API Changelog

Please check out our Developer guide, which takes you through getting started with the API and powering your app's payments with Lemon Squeezy.


June 9th, 2024

May 20th, 2024

April 9th, 2024

March 28th, 2024

  • You now can modify the trial_ends_at value using the update subscription API endpoint to adjust the duration of free trials for existing Subscriptions.
  • Checkout options now include a skip_trial attribute that allows you to create a Custom Checkout without a trial for a variant that typically offers a free trial by default.

February 20th, 2024

February 12th, 2024

February 5th, 2024

January 21st, 2024

  • Added setup_fee_enabled and setup_fee parameters to Price objects
  • Added setup_fee, setup_fee_usd, and setup_fee_formatted parameters to Order objects

January 15th, 2024

January 11th, 2024

January 5th, 2024

December 21st, 2023

December 6th, 2023

October 20th, 2023

October 2nd, 2023

  • We updated our docs regarding subscription proration, specifically how the disable_prorations option works.

September 19th, 2023

August 23rd, 2023

We just added new pricing models and usage-based billing to Lemon Squeezy!

Here are the API-related changes:

  • Checkout objects have a new attribute, checkout_data.variant_quantities, used for specifying quantities at checkout.
  • New Subscription items endpoints.
  • New Prices endpoints.
  • Various values have been deprecated from Variant objects (marked as deprecated in the docs) as they have been moved to Price objects. To preserve backwards compatibilty these values are still available in Variant objects but we ask you to use Price objects instead.
  • New Usage records endpoints.
  • Subscriptions now include a first_subscription_item object.
  • Updated relationships for Subscriptions (added Subscription items) and Variants (added Prices).

August 14th, 2023

  • We added customer_id, user_name and user_email values to Subscription invoice objects to make it easier to match invoices with customers in your application.

July 20th, 2023

  • We updated the status values in Subscription invoice objects in the docs to properly match API responses.

July 19th, 2023

July 5th, 2023

June 27th, 2023

  • We added a new license_key_updated webhook event so you can now watch for license key updates and update your application accordingly. There is also a new "License key updated" trigger in our Zapier integration.

May 25th, 2023

  • New endpoints: We've just added new Webhook endpoints so you can now query, create, update and delete webhooks using the API.

May 12th, 2023

April 17th, 2023

March 30th, 2023

March 17th, 2023

  • We added a new subscription_updated webhook event to make it easier to keep your local subscription data up-to-date (make sure you subscribe to this event from your existing webhooks). There is also a new "Subscription updated" trigger in our Zapier integration.
  • Custom data added to checkouts is now saved permanently and is available in all Order, Subscription and License key related webhooks.
  • We've added customer_id to Order, Subscription and License key objects, so you can now easily link customers to other objects. You can also now include customer objects in order, subscription and license key API calls.
  • card_brand and card_last_four values are now available in Subscription objects.
  • The subscription_payment_success webhook event is now sent for initial subscription payments as well as renewals.
  • billing_anchor can now be set to null or 0 to reset it to the current date. Read more

February 17th, 2023

February 7th, 2023

  • New endpoints: We've added new Discount redemption endpoints so you can easily query discount usage.
  • The update subscription API endpoint now has a disable_prorations flag to help manage proration. Read more

February 6th, 2023

  • The create checkout endpoint now has a preview option, which returns a preview object containing the checkout totals with discounts and tax taken into account.

February 4th, 2023

  • We added product_name, variant_name, customer_id, customer_name, and customer_email to the meta object in the License API.

January 25th, 2023

  • New endpoints: We just added Subscription invoices endpoints, meaning it's possible to query billing histories for your subscriptions.

January 24th, 2023

January 23rd, 2023

January 9th, 2023

  • You can now manually simulate subscription events from within your Dashboard. Read more

January 5th, 2023

  • The update subscription API endpoint now has a invoice_immediately flag to help manage renewal invoices. Read more

December 13th, 2023

  • New endpoint: We've added Customers endpoints so you can retrieve customer data over the API.
  • Order objects now contain a first_order_item object to reduce the number of API calls required.

October 26th, 2022

  • Our new Subscription API allows SaaS businesses to control the entire subscription experience end-to-end.