
Handling events

Handling overlay events with Lemon.js is easy-peasy. Overlay events are triggered by actions from within the Checkout and Payment Method Update overlays themselves.

You can listen to the overlay events easily with a few lines of code. You'll need to make sure you've got the Lemon.js library installed on your page first.

Every time an event is fired from the Overlay,

LemonSqueezy.Setup({ eventHandler: (event) => { // Do whatever you want with this event data } })

You will be able to determine which event happened by checking the value in event.event.

{ event: "PaymentMethodUpdate.Mounted" }

Checkout.Success events will be passed an Order object in event.data, which you can use to access or save data immediately after purchase.

{ event: "Checkout.Success", data: { "type": "orders", "id": "1", "attributes": { "store_id": 1, "customer_id": 1, ... } ... } }

List of Events

Lemon.js currently supports the following events:

Checkout.SuccessCheckout was successful
PaymentMethodUpdate.MountedPayment Method Update Overlay has been loaded
PaymentMethodUpdate.ClosedPayment Method Update Overlay has been closed
PaymentMethodUpdate.UpdatedPayment method has been updated successfully

Can't find the event you're looking for? You can always ask us to add it.

Opening overlays