Previewing Checkout Totals With the API

Learn how to utilize the Lemon Squeezy API to fetch and display estimated checkout totals for customers, considering factors like location, discounts, and tax ID validation.

To enhance your customer experience, sometimes you might want to show the estimated total costs — including location-specific taxes, discounts, and tax ID validation, before they enter the checkout. With Lemon Squeezy, this can be easily achieved with a single API call.

Getting started

If you haven’t already, make sure to read our Developer guide for a comprehensive walkthrough of setting up a full integration, including creating products and syncing customer data.

Previewing a checkout using the API

Using the Lemon Squeezy API, you can create a checkout preview by sending a request to the “Create a checkout” endpoint with "preview": true included in the request’s attributes.

  "data": {
    "type": "checkouts",
    "attributes": {
      "checkout_data": {
        "billing_address": {
          "country": "DE"
        "tax_number": "DE 123456789",
        "discount_code": "SUMMER10"
      "preview": true
    "relationships": {
      "store": {
        "data": {
          "type": "stores",
          "id": "1"
      "variant": {
        "data": {
          "type": "variants",
          "id": "1"

Breakdown of the request

  • billing_address: Specifies the customer’s billing country.
  • tax_number: The customer’s tax ID, if applicable.
  • discount_code: Any discount code the customer is using.
  • preview: Set to true to indicate that this is a preview

This setup will provide a precise estimation of the customer’s payment based on their details.

Understanding the response

Upon sending the request, the API returns a response which includes the usual Checkout object, but with extra data in data.attributes.preview, which will look like this:

  "data": {
    "type": "checkouts",
    "id": "cb9beae2-a60c-4db1-b7c4-edf6b303628a",
    "attributes": {
      "preview": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "currency_rate": 1,
        "subtotal": 2400,
        "discount_total": 0,
        "tax": 456,
        "total": 2856,
        "subtotal_usd": 2400,
        "discount_total_usd": 0,
        "tax_usd": 456,
        "total_usd": 2856,
        "subtotal_formatted": "$24.00",
        "discount_total_formatted": "$0.00",
        "tax_formatted": "$4.56",
        "total_formatted": "$28.56"
    "relationships": {
    "links": {

The preview object includes:

  • currency: The currency of the transaction.
  • subtotal: The subtotal amount before tax and discounts.
  • discount_total: Any applied discount amount.
  • tax: The total tax amount.
  • total: The final total after taxes and discounts.
  • formatted values: Each monetary value in a human-readable format.

Displaying the pricing information

You can use the formatted values from the preview object to display an estimated total in your application, providing transparency for your customers:

Subtotal: $24.00
Tax:      $4.56
Total:    $28.56

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