
Exporting subscribers

If you ever need to migrate your email subscribers to another system or want to have a local copy of your subscriber database, you can easily export them from Lemon Squeezy.

Note that a "subscriber" is either a customer who has bought a product from your store or an email subscriber added manually or via a signup form.

After you request a download you will receive an email with a download link. The file that Lemon Squeezy generates is a CSV file containing the following columns:

Column nameNotes
identifierLemon Squeezy ID
nameFull name
emailEmail address
statusOne of the following:
  • invalid_email - failed email validity check, which we run on all new customer and subscriber email addresses
  • requires_verification - waiting for double opt-in confirmation
  • subscribed - active subscriber
  • unsubscribed - unsubscribed themselves or by store owner
  • bounced - experienced a hard bounce after an email send (we will no longer attempt to deliver emails to them)
  • archived - archived by store owner
status_formattedA formatted version of status (e.g. "Archived")
countryThe country code of the subscriber's location. Only available if the subscriber has bought something from your store (e.g. "DE")
country_formattedThe full name of the subscriber's country (e.g. "Germany")
email_sendsThe number of broadcasts sent
email_opensThe number of broadcasts opened
email_clicksThe number of clicks in broadcasts
unsubscribed_atThe date when the subscriber unsubscribed. Empty if the subscriber hasn't unsubscribed
created_atThe date the subscriber was created in Lemon Squeezy
Signup forms