My Orders
Customers can log in to Lemon Squeezy to view their full order history and download any digital content.
The URL for customers to access all of their orders is
My Orders is a global account for customers to access all their orders from any Lemon Squeezy-powered store. In comparison, our Customer Portal is a billing portal for subscription customers that is limited to your store only.
Logging in

Customers only need the email they used at checkout. We will send them a secure magic link to their email, which, when clicked, will automatically log them in. They will be logged in until they manually log out.

My orders
Once logged in, customers will be able to view all of their orders and subscriptions. If they have bought products with downloadable files, they will be able to access all currently-available files from the order page.
If the purchased product contains links, they will available from the order page.

If you upload new files or add links to a product, all existing customers will be able to access them from their My Orders pages. This is great if you need to upload a new version of a product or replace an existing upload.
Likewise, customers will no longer have access to files and links you delete from products or variants.